Metal Structure MSN-04 SAZABI Lottery
Win a chance to purchase Metal Structure MSN-04 SAZABI for $3,589.99!
1. For every $100+ (before tax) in stock order (Pre-orders excluded), get one Entry in our lottery draw. For example, if your item is over $200, one entry will be given. If you have two items, each is $100+, then you may separate into two orders to get 2 entries.
To participate, please use code MSN04 during checkout for eligible online orders. For eligible in-store orders, please let the staff know and we will have your entry recorded.
2. When the winner is notified, he/she will have two weeks to purchase Metal Structure MSN-04 SAZABI at $3,589.99. If the purchase is not made within two weeks, a new winner will be drawn.
3. Flat rate shipping does not apply. Shipping fees will be calculated by the actual shipping rate. Free in-store pickup available.
4. The lucky winner will be announced on March 26th, 2023.