Private Warehouse

The Private Warehouse allows you to combine multiple orders into one shipment and is a great option to save on shipping fees. It offers 60-day free storage for any purchased item.

For in-stock purchases, please put a check in the box for "Add In-Stock items to Private Warehouse" in your shopping cart. Then at checkout, please select the "Store at my Private Warehouse (60-Day free storage; not a shipping method)" option for the shipping method.

For pre-order and backordered purchases, you will receive a notification email once they arrive at our store as these items are automatically stored in the Private Warehouse. We can hold your items free of charge for up to 60 days.

When these items are being stored, you may wait for more pre-order items to arrive. You may also place another in-stock order, then all your items held in the Private Warehouse can be shipped along with the new order.

A storage fee of $2/month per item will incur after the 60-day free storage period.

Upon the arrival of a pre-order item or when you choose to store an in-stock item in your private warehouse, you will receive an email containing a shipping invoice from us, informing you about the current items stored. When you wish to have them shipped, you can conveniently proceed by accessing the email and completing the payment for the shipping invoice, after which we will promptly initiate the shipping process.

Items can remain in the Private Warehouse for a maximum of six months. Beyond this period, we retain the right to cancel items stored for over six months. In the case of pre-orders paid with a 20% deposit, this deposit serves as the cancellation fee and is non-refundable. For pre-orders paid in full, we will deduct the 20% non-refundable deposit and refund the remaining 80%. Additionally, in-stock items stored for over six months may incur a storage fee upon cancellation, with the refund processed after deducting this fee.