From the animated TV series Heavy Metal L-Gaim, the A-Class Heavy Metal L-Gaim piloted by the protagonist Daba Myroad is now part of the RIOBOT toyline!
Based on the garage kit made by sculptor Takanori (RED FOX), this action figure features a sculpt that is a different take on the original design of the animated show, as well as a classy pearl white and metallic brown color finish. The use of diecast for certain parts gives the figure a lot of weight and heftiness, and the inclusion of every possible weapon and gimmick, such as dockable Spiral Flow unit, openable Random Slate, etc. adds a ton of play value! And to top it all off, the Buster Launcher from the final episode is also included! Accessories include: Power Launchers, Power Launcher energy cables, Solar Binder, Saber hilts, Lancer hilt, beam blades, S-mine, optional forearm covers, Land Booster Light, Buster Launcher, Buster Launcher energy cables, open hands, hands for holding Lancers/Sabers, hand for holding Buster Launcher, Spiral Flow (Flicker) normal & docked forms.