The ultimate 00 Gundam equipped with 0 Raiser, XN Unit, Seven Sword, and now the GN Sword II Blaster is now released.
With this product alone, 00 Gundam, 00 Raiser, 00 Gundam Seven Sword, XN 00 Gundam, 00 XN Raiser can all be reproduced, and each mode can be equipped with GN Sword II Blaster.
Also, markings and colors have been renewed since the Robot Spirits 00 Raiser. Its complex paintwork brings light to this paramount of an aberration in the battlefield.
Product Description:
・Main body
・GN Sword III
・GN Sword III beam effect parts
・GN Sword II, left and right
・GN Sword II beam effect parts x2
・GN Sword II joint saber grip x2
・GN Sword II Blaster
・Beam Saber blade x2
・GN Shield x2
・Exchangeable left and right hands x3
・Joint parts set
・XN Raiser
・Knee armor
・GN Buster Sword II
・GN Sword II long
・GN Sword II short
・GN Katar x2
・XN Unit joint parts
・Stage set